Children appreciate St. Nicholas Day the most as they usually get presents on the morning of Dec. 19.
If they were naughty during the year though, the saint may punish them with willow branches placed under the pillows while they sleep. During the Soviet times, the celebration was suppressed by authorities along with many other religious occasions. But now St. Nicholas is back on the calendar. This day starts the long string of Ukrainian winter holidays.
To honor the tradition, pick up the kids and head to the Mamayeva Sloboda open-air museum. St. Nicholas will treat you with traditional biscuits, mykolaichyky, and perhaps some other presents if you behaved well throughout the year. Folk dance and song groups will provide the entertainment on the sprawling grounds of the ethnic museum, which is a perfect place for winter fun amid old churches, ponds and small huts.
Sunday, Dec. 19, 9 a.m., Mamayeva Sloboda, 2 Dontsya St., 361-9848, to book tickets (093) 872-4877, Tickets: Hr 10-40