You're reading: South Africa diplomat: My nation ‘has a lot to offer’ Ukrainians

Editor’s Note: The following are excerpts from an interview with Sebele Mokoka, first secretary of the South African Embassy in Kyiv.

KP: Please describe economic ties between Ukraine and South Africa?
SM: Economic ties are weak. Bilateral trade, which was $375 million in 2008, is very small compared to its potential. The main reasons are distance, absence of direct transportation and a very low level of awareness about each other. That’s why our main task is to expose South Africa, which is a very advanced country and has a lot to offer Ukraine, from diamonds to agricultural sector.

China has, a long time ago, realized the importance of African continent, which is the richest in terms of natural resources on the planet. Today, Chinese are investing and integrating in every single area, establishing their strong presence throughout the continent. Ukraine should also seriously consider investment opportunities in Africa.

KP: What about the South African community in Ukraine?

SM: Regarding the South African community, it is probably one of the smallest in Ukraine – some 100 people and only one student on an exchange program. Mostly these are single entrepreneurs involved in middle-sized and small businesses. However, soon representatives of the diamond industry will arrive in Ukraine to investigate market opportunities.

KP: What about racism in Ukraine?
I grew up in a country where racism was legalized. I should be the first one to feel such tendencies. I do not feel them [in Ukraine]. It is not only because I am a protected diplomat. I also walk the streets and go shopping at regular stores. Certainly, there are issues in Ukraine, but it is not a racist country.

KP: How did South Africa manage to reach such a level of development compared to other African countries?
We were the last to gain independence on the continent in 1994. Before that, many of our people traveled and studied in Europe and gained experience in a wide range of areas, particularly government, upon return. Another factor is that our economy is diversified. While other African countries focus on a single strong aspect of their economy, for instance oil or minerals.

Kyiv Post staff writer Nataliya Bugayova can be reached at

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