You're reading: What to give when cards, flowers simply will not do

A heart-shaped card would do well for your first Valentine’s Day as a couple, but it’s most likely going to be unwelcomed when given for the fourth time. Find seven ideas for unexpected gifts in the Kyiv Post Valentine’s Day feature.

Wooden letters

If you’re not in the mood to risk giving your darling a series of electric shocks, go with something less risky. Something cute is always the answer for a perfect Valentine’s gift. And there is hardly a better definition of cuteness than your beloved name carved in handmade wooden letters. Carved in a nice font, they can be hung on a wall or put on a shelf. Ready-made words are available too, including “happy,” “love” and “dream.”

Hr 33-48 (or Hr 95-320 for the ready-made words)

Lie detector

She says she loves you, but does she mean it? Perhaps a lie detector is a little extreme way to find it out, but it surely will bring you two a lot of fun. Try asking each other some questions regarding your relationship and see if the partner answers honestly. A lie detector offered for Hr 265 has an additional feature. It punishes the liar, giving him or her an electric shock. Fortunately, the power is regulated, so you can be sure you won’t stop your mate’s heart or something like that.

Hr 265


There is a small bit of narcissism in each of us, so a painted portrait would be a nice gift. Fortunately, the age of posing is over, and now it’s enough just to send an artist the photo. Oil paintings should be ordered in advance and cost a lot, but graphic portraits can be drawn in a couple of days and cost a moderate price.

Hr 200-2,000, depending on the technique and size

Shot of adrenaline

Have you ever wanted to see your beloved jumping off a bridge? That sounds crazy, but it’s actually not. Think of giving her or him an Emozzi (Impression) certificate for unusual activities. Options include things like flight in a wind tunnel (Hr 200 for two minutes), bungee jumping (Hr 300), gliding (Hr 610) or even piloting a small plane (Hr 899 for 20 minutes). All certificates are valid for six months.

Hr 200-900

Car eyelashes

That sounds more like a gift for a woman, but will also fit for a male with a nice sense of humor. The same goes for cars. Perhaps your mate’s Land Cruiser secretly dreams of eyelashes as much as some girlish red car. Cute gift for a nice day. Also, it’s cheap.

Hr 49


“Honey, I’m giving you the moon,” isn’t it the best thing to hear on Valentine’s Day? Well, it’s definitely the most romantic. Stop your spaceship’s engine, some moonlight is available on the earth and for delivery. It’s actually just a moon-like lamp to hang on a wall, but a very realistic one.

Hr 245

Whisky stones

Ice is good enough for chilling lemonade, but you don’t want to spoil some pricey spirit by diluting it. That’s what they invented the whisky stones for. Stones shaped in small cubes are chilled in the refrigerator. They don’t take in flavors and can be used multiple times.

Hr 280 (nine stones)

Kyiv Post staff writer Olga Rudenko can be reached at