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NEWS ITEM: Bogdan Fedak, the Kharkiv Oblast hospital director who publicly criticized German doctors‘ medical treatment of imprisoned ex-prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, is alleged to have been involved in illegal adoptions of children abroad, including to the United States, in the early 1990s. “How can this person work as a doctor at all and doubt respected German doctors?” asked Tymoshenko’s lawyer Serhiy Vlasenko, on July 11. In 1997, Fedak was reportedly sentenced to two years in prison for illegally giving up newborn babies for adoption by foreigners in Lviv. Fedak and other doctors from Kharkiv met Lutz Harms, the German doctor from Charite clinic who treats Tymoshenko, and afterwards expressed doubts about Harm’s qualifications. Fedak said he is “concerned about lack of positive dynamics in Tymoshenko’s treatment” and said she should be sent from the hospital back to prison.