Kyiv Post Cartoons, issue 21

NEWS ITEM: IOn May 19, Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach released audio recordings allegedly featuring phone conversations between former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Derkach claimed the recordings prove that Biden ran the state’s top prosecutor’s office, three political parties in parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers – a bizarre conspiracy theory with no factual backing.
Photo by Kyiv Post
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NEWS ITEM: IOn May 19, Ukrainian lawmaker Andriy Derkach released audio recordings allegedly featuring phone conversations between former U.S. Vice President Joseph Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Derkach claimed the recordings prove that Biden ran the state’s top prosecutor’s office, three political parties in parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers – a bizarre conspiracy theory with no factual backing.
Photo by Kyiv Post