Kyiv Post Cartoons, issue 25

NEWS ITEM: Fugitive Viktor Yanukovych-era Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky alledgedly tried to bribe Ukraine’s top anti-corruption officials with $6 million in cash — the biggest bribe attempt in Ukrainian history. Reportedly, Zlochevsky wanted to close a criminal case against him and return to Ukraine by his birthday, which is on June 14. Zlochevsky is accused of allegedly illegal enrichment schemes. At a June 13 press conference, Ukraine’s officials displayed the plastic bags with the $6 million bribe in cash.
Photo by Kyiv Post
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NEWS ITEM: Fugitive Viktor Yanukovych-era Ecology Minister Mykola Zlochevsky alledgedly tried to bribe Ukraine’s top anti-corruption officials with $6 million in cash — the biggest bribe attempt in Ukrainian history. Reportedly, Zlochevsky wanted to close a criminal case against him and return to Ukraine by his birthday, which is on June 14. Zlochevsky is accused of allegedly illegal enrichment schemes. At a June 13 press conference, Ukraine’s officials displayed the plastic bags with the $6 million bribe in cash.
Photo by Kyiv Post