Activists rally to preserve ancient Kyiv (PHOTOS)

Activists attend a rally holding banners which read "We demand to preserve Historic Kyiv", "We are for #MuseumOnPoshtova" and "Save Andriyivsky" in front of the Kyiv City Hall during a council session discussing whether there should be a museum on Poshtova Square and a hotel on Andriyivsky Uzviz on April 19.
Photo by Volodymyr Petrov
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Activists attend a rally holding banners which read "We demand to preserve Historic Kyiv", "We are for #MuseumOnPoshtova" and "Save Andriyivsky" in front of the Kyiv City Hall during a council session discussing whether there should be a museum on Poshtova Square and a hotel on Andriyivsky Uzviz on April 19.
Photo by Volodymyr Petrov

Nearly 30 activists came to the Kyiv City Hall to rally for the preservation of some of Ukraine’s most ancient sites on April 19

Some activists came in medieval knight costumes to point out the historic value of the archaeological artifacts. Some were holding banners which read “We demand to preserve historic Kyiv,” “We are for #MuseumOnPoshtova” and “Save Andriyivsky.”

Illegal hotel

Kyiv’s historic Andriyivsky Uzviz, one of the most popular tourist and urban destinations, is at risk of further destruction, city activists say, as a new hotel is being built in violation of ordinances for the protected heritage site.

The planned eight-story hotel significantly exceeds the limit permitted by the Ministry of Culture of Ukraine in this area, and threatens surrounding houses and historic sites, according to Andriyivsky Uzviz activists and some Kyiv city council members.

“Andriyivsky Uzviz was included in two protected zones that allow buildings no more than 9-12 meters in height. But the plan for the hotel hasn’t changed: it will be 30 meters in height,” Yegor Nedashkivskyi, an attorney for the activists, told the Kyiv Post.

Mall vs. ancient foundation

Activists are also trying to defend another historical site also located in the capital’s historic Podil area. Back in 2015, the remains of the wooden buildings that date back to Kyivan Rus were found at a mall construction site at Poshtova Square near the Dnipro River. Back then, a team of nine archaeologists dug out several wooden fences, the foundation of a wooden house, coins, beads, pots and one amphora – all estimated to date back to the 11th-13th centuries.

Initially, the Kyiv City Council planned to build a shopping mall on the square. But after the discovery caused a stir, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko ordered a halt to construction for a possible museum there. Activists are afraid that the construction is about to pick up again.