Photo 2020 Local Elections EXCLUSIVE

Amid pandemic, Ukrainians vote in 2020 local elections (PHOTOS)

People maintain social distance to prevent the spread COVID-19 as they stand in line to vote at a polling station during the local elections in Kyiv on Oct. 25, 2020.
Photo by Volodymyr Petrov
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People maintain social distance to prevent the spread COVID-19 as they stand in line to vote at a polling station during the local elections in Kyiv on Oct. 25, 2020.
Photo by Volodymyr Petrov

Despite a rapid increase in new COVID-19 cases, Ukrainians headed to the polls on Oct. 25 to vote in their country’s local elections. According to the Central Election Commission, turnout was low as of 1 p.m., with under 20% of the public voting in most of the country’s regions. In Kyiv, only 16.2% of the population had voted by that time.

Still the elections are highly important.

Read also: Ukraine votes in local elections. What you need to know

Ukrainians will choose the mayors of cities and villages and members of city, district and oblast councils across the country. Those leaders will have more power and control more tax money than their predecessors, thanks to Ukraine’s ongoing decentralization reform.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, voters were required to vote in masks and maintain safe distance from one another. Polling workers measured their body temperature at the entrance to the polling station. Those with an elevated temperature were not turned away, but had to vote in a separate booth from other voters.

Read also: Mass violation of anti-coronavirus measures reported at polling places