Art performance in Kyiv calls attention to prisoners held by Russia (PHOTOS)

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Human rights activists prepare chairs with the attached sheets with names of Ukrainian prisoners of war in Russia before the ''Empty Chairs" performance at Sofiivska Square in Kyiv on Nov. 15, 2020.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin

Seven chairs stood empty in Kyiv to represent seven Ukrainian famous artists and seven hard stories about Ukrainians imprisoned by Russia in Kremlin-controlled parts of Ukraine, the eastern Donbas and Crimea. Organizers of the performance are the Ukrainian PEN Center and Center for Civil Liberties.

The prisoners are:

Valeriy Matiushenko

Marlen Asanov

Olena Piekh

Denys Kashchuk

Timur Ibragimov

Osman Arifmemetov

Yuri Gordiychuk