
Ukraine, world leaders remember Babyn Yar victims (PHOTOS)

A man prays in front of the Menorah-shaped memorial dedicated to the victims of the Babyn Yar massacre on Sept. 29.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin
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A man prays in front of the Menorah-shaped memorial dedicated to the victims of the Babyn Yar massacre on Sept. 29.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin

The Nazis murdered 100,000 people over a two-year period in the Kyiv ravine of Babyn Yar, including 34,000 Jews on Sept. 28-29, 1941. The Nazis and local auxiliaries exterminated the Jews as the Germany’s invading forces blitzed their way toward Moscow, capturing major cities in the west of the Soviet Union.