Kyiv celebrates Europe Day (PHOTOS)

Ukrainian police cadets attend a welcome day at the European Union Advisory Mission's office in central Kyiv on May 19.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin
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Ukrainian police cadets attend a welcome day at the European Union Advisory Mission's office in central Kyiv on May 19.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin

On May 19, Ukrainians all across the country held festivals for Europe Day.

The holiday, which is celebrated annually on third Saturday of May, was institutionalized back in 2003 to emphasize the nation’s adherence to its strategic course of European integration.

Ukraine’s capital hosted a big festival in Kontraktova Square in the historical district of Podil, and also had a bicycle parade through the city’s main streets.

Many of the Western representation offices, such as the European Union’s Advisory Mission (EUAM), held an open doors day to pay homage to the rapprochement between Ukraine and unified Europe.