
Kyiv Post Photo Elements: Water

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A jaguar (Panthera onca) hunts a fish as it swims in its enclosure at Pessac Zoo on the outskirts of Bordeaux, France, on July 20.
Photo by AFP

Editor’s Note: The Kyiv Post continues its series of the art photo galleries that will bring more color, beauty and, hopefully, more positive emotions to our readers. The photo team collects photographs and makes special galleries based on various criteria such as color, geometrical shapes, and the four elements. This particular gallery focuses on water. Please enjoy the pictures of  a surfer in Hawaii, an Indian child using a roadside tap to cool off on a hot day, people swimming in tomato pulp during the annual “tomatina” festivities in Spain, and more.

Other art photo galleries by the Kyiv Post:

Kyiv Post Photo Geometry: Lines

Kyiv Post Photo Geometry: Circle

Kyiv Post World in Color: Blue

Kyiv Post World in Color: Red

Kyiv Post World in Color: Green

Kyiv Post World in Color: Yellow

Kyiv Post World in Color: Pink

Kyiv Post Photo Geometry: Point of light

Kyiv Post World in Color: Orange

Kyiv Post Photo Geometry: Mirror and reflection

Kyiv Post World in Color: Rainbow

Kyiv Post World in Color: Black&White

Kyiv Post World in Color: Black

Kyiv Post Photo Elements: Air