
In biting cold Kyivans honor victims of Charlie Hebdo attack

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On Jan. 8 dozens of Ukrainians came to the French embassy in Kyiv despite biting cold to show solidarity and offer condolences to the French nation after 12 people were killed in a terrorist attack on the office of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris on Jan. 7.

Ukrainian journalists that are members of the Stop Censorship movement held a demonstration. The journalists lined up next to the embassy holding paper sheets reading “Je suis Charlie” (“I’m Charlie”), a phrase that became a slogan of the magazine supporters throughout the world.

The embassy put out a condolences book at the entrance. Kyivans have been bringing flowers, candles, and pencils. The pencils symbolize the outrage about the terrorists’ attempt to silence the cartoonists of the Charlie Hebdo, that published many sharp religious cartoons.