Kyivans take advantage of cold weather to indulge in ice fishing

Fishermen gather on the frozen Dnipro River near Pivdenny Bridge in Kyiv on Jan. 20, 2021. Ice fishing is a popular hobby for many Ukrainians.
Photo by Oleg Petrasiuk
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Fishermen gather on the frozen Dnipro River near Pivdenny Bridge in Kyiv on Jan. 20, 2021. Ice fishing is a popular hobby for many Ukrainians.
Photo by Oleg Petrasiuk

Thanks to the cold snap of January 2021, the Dnipro River has frozen over for the first time in three years, making possible many people’s beloved hobby, ice fishing.

Catching fish through a small hole in the ice requires special equipment such as ice chisels, drills and special fishing rods. In three to four hours, ice fishers can expect to catch two to four kilograms of fish.

But ice fishing can be dangerous on big rivers. Even after days of subzero temperatures, the ice may not be entirely stable.

Still, after being stymied by three mild winters in a row, ice fishing enthusiasts came out to the frozen Dnipro in droves.