Make peace great again: Brussels protests against Trump’s NATO visit (PHOTOS)

Protestors carry posters as they take part in a rally in Brussels on July 7 against the forthcoming NATO summit and scheduled visit of U.S. President Donald Trump on July 11 and 12.
Photo by Iryna Somer
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Protestors carry posters as they take part in a rally in Brussels on July 7 against the forthcoming NATO summit and scheduled visit of U.S. President Donald Trump on July 11 and 12.
Photo by Iryna Somer

BRUSSELS – Around 1,500 people went out on July 6 in Brussels to protest against the upcoming visit of U.S. President Donald Trump to a NATO Summit set to take place from July 11-12.

Representatives of 17 civil society organizations were marching with the slogan “Make peace great again,” mimicking Trump’s campaign slogan in the 2016 U.S. presidential election of “Making America great again.”

Those gathered were protesting against U.S. demands to increase defense spending among NATO members. Trump has noted that most allies are not meeting their commitment of spending 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense.

Protestors also demonstrated against the U.S. stance on climate change, gender rights and extreme anti-immigration policy.

They also advocated for peace without nuclear weapons and a world without NATO. The event took place near the train station Brussels-North, which is far from NATO and EU headquarters.

This march was also used by anti-Ukrainian activists. A man who imitated President Petro Poroshenko refused to give an interview.