
Mercedes-Benz Kyiv Fashion Days

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Starting just three days after the end of another fashion event, Ukrainian Fashion Week, Mercedes-Benz Kyiv Fashion Days could not avoid to be compared with its older rival.

Ukrainian designer Lilya Poustovit is the only one whose collections featured at both events. Shapovalova claims that it’s because of the many demands that Kyiv Fashion Days sets for designers. Organizers claim that the designers have to have a “European-level collection” to be able to qualify.

But Fedor Vozianov, who had taken part in the previous Kyiv Fashion Days, said he had no conditions set at all. He opted for the Ukrainian Fashion Week this year because he feels it’s more suitable for mature designers.

Strangely, the Kyiv Fashion Days left a “this is what fashion should be like” impression. With little tension or pretense, it gives a nice alternative to most local events, referring to fashion yet being just a place to mingle for random celebrities.