
Pillow Fight in Kyiv

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Celebrating the long awaited arrival of warm weather to Kyiv, people took their pillows and gathered at Shevchenko Park for a tough pillow fight.

The event, which took place on Saturday afternoon, attracted several dozen young Kyivans. As the battle supposed to be hot, all participants were asked to follow a dress code, which included light cloth tops such as t-shirts or shirts. The event was promoted via social networks and online. Most participants had a blast, with the exception of cleaning staff forced to gather feathers that the wind blew all over the park.

The pillow fight was initially scheduled for April 6, when similar battles took place in many cities around the world. But due to bad weather the event was postponed untill the snow melted and real spring came.

Pillow Fight is free, non-commercial, international public event organized by an informal group of enthusiasts sometimes known as the global urban playground movement.

One of its goals is to revive the urban public space with such events as pillow fight, replacing passive, unsocial, branded consumption experiences like watching television, and consciously rejecting the blight on our cities caused by the endless creep of advertising into public space.

Text by Oksana Faryna.