
Seed Forum, Klitschko and Norway open Kyiv tech coworking office (PHOTOS)

Participants and organizers attend the opening of the new Kyiv office of iHUB, a creative laboratory for technology startups and innovative business development, in Kyiv on May 25.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin
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Participants and organizers attend the opening of the new Kyiv office of iHUB, a creative laboratory for technology startups and innovative business development, in Kyiv on May 25.
Photo by Kostyantyn Chernichkin

Seed Forum Eastern Europe Foundation (Seed Forum), a global network of national nonprofit foundations and national representatives in more than 40 countries, opened its fifth iHUB tech lab in Ukraine  in Kyiv on May 25.

IHUBs are creative laboratories for technology startups and innovative business development that have already opened in Lviv, Chernihiv, Vinnytsia, Ivano-Frankivsk. The new office in Kyiv is located in a historic building at 10 Kreshchatyk Street in the city’s downtown, close to Maidan Nezalezhnosti Square.

Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs supported Seed Forum in setting up the iHUB in Kyiv. The Seed Forum’s management says the venue has 190 workplaces and that most of them are already occupied or booked. The space is designed mostly for the Ukrainian tech community — IT startups, techies that work as freelancers, and other tech people that need a coworking place to run their companies.