Transgender people in Ukraine march to mark historic date

Activists hold placards and rainbow flags during the transgender parade "Trans-March 2021" in Kyiv, on May 22, 2021.
Photo by Oleg Petrasiuk
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Activists hold placards and rainbow flags during the transgender parade "Trans-March 2021" in Kyiv, on May 22, 2021.
Photo by Oleg Petrasiuk

On May 22, 2019, the World Health Organization no longer classified transgenderism as a mental or behavioral disorder. To mark this date, some 100 activists attended a rally demanding a revision of Ukrainian health care standards consistent with the WHO guidelines. At the same time, activists from an organization that calls itself Traditions and Rules engaged in a counter-action against LGBTQ. Police were on hand to defuse all conflicts during the transgender parade from Mykhailivska Square to Poshtova Square.