Photo Russia's War Against Ukraine EXCLUSIVE

These Ukrainian soldiers live, serve on front line (PHOTOS)

A Ukrainian soldier stands on a slag heap and watches through binoculars the distant slag heaps where the troops of Russian-led separatists are based in Luhansk Oblast.
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A Ukrainian soldier stands on a slag heap and watches through binoculars the distant slag heaps where the troops of Russian-led separatists are based in Luhansk Oblast.
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Andriy Dubchak and Maryan Kushnir, journalists with the Ukrainian office of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, have traveled to Ukraine’s war-torn Donbas in the end of 2017 to see how Ukrainian soldiers live and serve on the front line of the Russia’s war against Ukraine. The Kyiv Post republishes with permission the photos they made during their trip.

The reporters traveled to several of the Ukrainian army’s strongpoints near the city of Popasna in Luhansk Oblast, close to the front line.

The reporters have stayed with Ukrainian mountain infantry who oversee the territorry dotted with the waste slag heaps near the city of Zolote, and with Ukrainian soldiers living in dugouts near Novozvanivka village.

The full reports are available in Ukrainian here.