The most popular Ukrainian English-language newspaper the Kyiv Post and Kyiv section of Channel 7 received a new office.

This week the staff of the Kyiv Post moved to the “38th Zhemchuzhyna” residential complex owned by KADORR Group, at 68 Zhylianskaya St. Chief editor Brian Bonner admits: this is the best newsroom the Kyiv Post has ever had. It will also include a studio where journalists and film crew will prepare a variety of programs.

Brian Bonner says that the move of the Kyiv Post to a new office indicates a big support for the newspaper from the owner. The funding for the newspaper is also growing despite the challenges of the coronavirus crisis. At the same time, it became easier for the commercial department of the Kyiv Post to organize excursions for advertisers around the office. Indeed, from now on, the entire staff of the newspaper is under one roof.

Together with the Kyiv Post, the Kyiv section of Channel 7 has also moved to the residential complex “38th Zhemchuzhyna” at 68 Zhylianskaya St.