Everyone has pratfalls and pitfalls. The difference is that, for most of us, cameras aren’t around to capture our ungraceful or embarassing moments.
Not so for heads of state. After President Viktor Yanukovych placed a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Kyiv’s Glory Park on May 17, a gust of wind blew the pine sticks off their pedestal and onto his head as he bowed in honor.

There was no harm done, except perhaps to presidential dignity. The administration helped stir up extra publicity by trying to get journalists not to broadcast or publish the images. Many obeyed; others did not.

Hanna Herman, deputy head of the presidential administration, blamed her communications director, Oleh Koshelev, and presidential press secretary, Denys Ivanesko, for asking photographers and camera operators to surrender the images.

“This was a huge mistake that I hope will never happen again,” Herman said. At latest count, the clip had been viewed more than 1.3 million times. Click here to view.