You're reading: Ukrainian Army Recovers Ground Towards Kherson, Disorientates Enemy

The Ukrainian Army is making gains along the Kherson frontline, attacking Russian invaders’ supply lines, and building up an advantage.

Natalya Humenyuk, head of the joint coordination press center of the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine, reported progress in regaining ground as part of a nationwide television broadcast.

“We use fire control to [suppress] logistical routes as [the Russians] try to hide the delivery of ammunition under the guise of humanitarian supplies. This is similar practice to what we know from actions in the Donbas. But they don’t have large capacities now and don’t have the opportunity to use the logistics routes we now control. So, this creates conditions for our advantage to become greater and greater,” said Humeniuk.

The Defense Forces of Southern Ukraine announced that Ukrainian troops are moving forward in the Kherson direction, with results to be reported when they secure new positions.

“We are not standing still. We are making progress, but results can only be announced after they are confirmed… Our positions remain strengthened and strong,” reported the head of the joint coordination press center of the Southern Defense Forces of Ukraine.

On July 25, the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroyed the command and observation post of the Russian Guard on the Kherson frontline while it was trying to counterattack the Ukrainian army.

“This “beheading” of the occupiers’ command creates a certain disorientation in the enemy’s ranks, all to our advantage. Our ability to move ahead can therefore be more effective,” Humeniuk emphasized.

“We continue our work, and [the Russians] have retreated back to the extreme line of defense, which they have equipped and strengthened with reinforced concrete structures,” Humenyuk added.

“Distance fighting is underway…the territory is open, so shelling continues [over long distance], including air strikes,” the spokeswoman explained.

Humenyuk also announced that Ukrainian aviation made five strikes on enemy strongholds over the weekend, which significantly undermined the fighting spirit and combat positions of the Russian invaders.