You're reading: Ukrainians Urged Not to Return to Kherson Yet

Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, has urged citizens not to rush back to the de-occupied areas of Kherson region.

He made the corresponding appeal on the air of the national telethon, an Ukrinform correspondent reports.

According to Danilov, there are risks for the civilian population in the de-occupied territory of Kherson region. He specified that on the right bank of the Dnipro throughout the week, Ukraine’s Defense Forces liberated 179 settlements covering more than 4,500 square km. Each square meter must be investigated, it must be understood that there are no explosive devices there. This is a difficult job. In order to save the lives of our civilian population, there is a great request not to hurry to return home. Everyone will definitely return, but for now it is necessary to wait for a little while,” said the secretary of the NSDC.

He emphasized that “treacherous” Russian troops had mined vast areas before retreating.

The NSDC secretary assured that all relevant services are working around the clock to speed up the stabilization processes: “As soon as we understand that the situation is safe there, the civilian population will be allowed to return.”

As Ukrinform reported, on November 11, President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine was regaining control of Kherson.