You're reading: CBS News: ‘I don’t think that’s what that comment means,’ – Bolton hedges on Trump’s Crimea remarks

Editor’s Note: On July 1, U.. national security advisor John Bolton appeared on the U.S. TV news show ‘”Face the Nation” to discuss, among other issues, the July 16 summit in Helsinki, Finland, between U.S. President Donald J. Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Excerpted below is a transcript of the interview.

BRENNAN: But in terms of redrawing international borders, like with Crimea, leaving the door open to that, saying things that undermine the alliance in that particular, specific way, are very unique and troubling.

BOLTON: I don’t think that’s what that comment means.

There will be a lot of discussion. There was discussion this past week at the European Council about the E.U. position on Ukraine. And this is a subject where there’s been disagreement among the Europeans as well.

The president wants a strong NATO. If you think Russia is a threat, ask yourself this question. Why is Germany spending less than 1.2 percent of its GNP?

So, when people talk about undermining the NATO alliance, you should look at those who are carrying out steps that make NATO less effective militarily.

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