The number of officially confirmed COVID-19 cases in Ukraine has reached 45,887 as of 9 a.m. on July 2.
In the past 24 hours, health authorities confirmed 889 new cases of COVID-19, including 38 among children and 63 among medical workers. During this same period, 221 people were hospitalized.
Twelve people died, bringing the total death toll in the country to 1,185 since the beginning of the pandemic. Additionally, 505 patients recovered, bringing the total number of recoveries to 20,053.
The regions with the highest numbers of newly registered cases are Lviv Oblast (152), Kyiv (104) and Rivne Oblast (93).

Ukraine’s daily COVID-19 cases, deaths and recoveries from May 1 to July 1, 2020. All data were released by the Ministry of Health.
A total of 11,109 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were administered across the country during the past 24 hours. In addition, Ukrainian laboratories carried out 12,059 antibody tests (ELISA).
During the previous week, Ukraine regularly registered record numbers of new cases, around 1,000 a day. Those numbers fell precipitously during the three-day weekend for Constitution Day, as fewer PCR tests were conducted — a sign that this did not necessarily represent a true decrease in cases.
The higher figures on July 1 and July 2, combined with higher levels of testing, likely represent a more reliable, but small decrease in new cases compared to last week.

Ukraine’s daily COVID-19 cases, deaths and recoveries from May 1 to July 1, 2020. All data were released by the Ministry of Health.
Stepanov also said that the Cabinet had drafted a bill to introduce fines for not wearing protection masks. These will amount to between Hr 170 and Hr 255 for individuals and between Hr 3,400 and Hr 5,100 for legal entities.
Viktor Lyashko, Ukraine’s chief health inspector, said at the briefing that the number of labs that carry out COVID-19 tests had increased to 73 from 28 in Ukraine since the beginning of the pandemic.
He also said that Hr 95 million had been paid in extra bonuses to medics fighting the pandemic, and 1,118 lung ventilators had been supplied to hospitals treating COVID-19.
Currently, there are 23,350 beds available for COVID-19 patients at hospitals launched during the first stage of the ministry’s plan to fight the pandemic, Lyashko said. Of these, 16 percent are occupied.
There are also 10,448 beds for COVID-1 patients at second-stage hospitals, he added. Of these, 542 are occupied.
Lyashko also denied media reports that some of the governors had allegedly given orders to decrease COVID-19 statistics.
Meanwhile, Kyiv City Hall on July 1 tightened lockdown restrictions in the city due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases after relaxing them in previous weeks. According to the decision, restaurants and entertainment venues will be prohibited from working after 10 p.m., and mass events devoted to culture, sports, entertainment and advertising will also be banned after that time.