You're reading: ‘Do Not Sponsor Murder’ Campaign Focuses on Boycotting Russian, Belarusian Goods

Ukrainian government institutions have launched an international information campaign called Do Not Sponsor Murder to help businesses boycott Russian and Belarusian goods and services and, in doing so, hit the two countries involved in attacking Ukraine hard in the pocket.

The main idea of the project is to convey to foreign businesses the importance of boycotting Russian and Belarusian goods and services and to replace them with the goods and services of countries that oppose the war in Ukraine, or in support of Ukraine’s economy with Ukrainian ones. The campaign aims to help companies find substitute goods and services. More information is available here in English and Ukrainian too.

The campaign’s call to buy Ukrainian (Photo Credit:

Russia launched its massive invasion of Ukraine on Feb. 24, with Belarus assisting by using its territory to house Russian troops. Some Russian planes fly from Belarus on bombing raids.