You're reading: Draft law would eliminate minimum salaries for foreign employees

The Ukrainian government has approved a draft bill to make it easier for Ukrainian companies to hire foreigners.

It will now be considered by the parliament.

The new bill would remove an obligation requiring foreigners’ salaries to be at least five to ten times the minimum wage —  $1,100 or $2,200.

However, the bill would also increase the cost of foreigners’ employment permits. The extra fees would be spent on financial aid  for unemployed Ukrainians.

The fee would be waived when companies hire foreigners studying in Ukraine.

The government also wants to clearly define the list of documents required to get or renew a working permit for a foreigner and simplify receiving said permits in administration service centers. If the permit is lost or damaged, replacement copies would be free.

If passed, the government will monitor the compliance of employers hiring foreign staff. 

As of 2019, around 400,000 foreigners lived in Ukraine.