You're reading: EU calls for unconditional release of detained Ukrainians

The European Union has reaffirmed the policy of not recognizing the illegal annexation of Crimea by Russia and called for the unconditional release of Ukrainian sailors and all Ukrainians illegally detained in custody.

This is said in the statement of High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini titled “Five years of the illegal occupation of Crimea by the Russian Federation,” which was announced by Johannes Hahn, Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations on behalf of her in Strasbourg on March 26.

He recalled that the European Union supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. “We do not and will not recognize this violation of international law. We are unwavering in our non-recognition policy,” the European Commissioner said.

According to him, the deterioration of the security situation in the Black Sea region, with an increasing militarization of the Crimean peninsula, “is a constant source of concern.”

“The unjustified use of force by Russia at the Kerch Strait last November, in itself another consequence of the illegal annexation, is a reminder of its negative impact on regional stability. The EU expects Russia to release unconditionally and without further delay the Ukrainian crewmembers and vessels that were captured on that day. Russia should ensure the respect of their rights to legal representation and access by consular authorities. We also expect Russia to provide them with appropriate medical treatment,” Hahn said.

The Commissioner also recalled the construction of a bridge in the Kerch Strait without the consent of the Ukrainian authorities, the inspection mode of the ships, which led to significant delays of hundreds of ships.

“We expect Russia to ensure unhindered and free passage of all ships through the Kerch Strait, to and from the Azov Sea, in accordance with international law,” he stressed.

Hahn also noted that a negative consequence of the illegal annexation is the deterioration of fundamental human rights on the peninsula, in particular, the rights of the Crimean Tatars.

“We will continue to call for the immediate and unconditional release of Oleh Sentsov, who received the Sakharov Prize last year and whose picture outside the European Parliament reminds the people who walk by every day about his dedication. We also call for the release of many others, such as Edem Bekirov, Oleksandr Kolchenko, Mykola Semena, Volodymyr Balukh and Emir-Usein Kuku, who have been detained and sentenced by Russia in breach of international law. We call for all human rights violations to be investigated, and for international human rights actors to have unfettered access to the Crimean peninsula,” the Commissioner said.

Hahn also recalled that Ukrainian citizen Pavlo Hryb had been sentenced to six years of imprisonment. “We also expect him to be released,” he noted.

The European Commissioner recalled that in connection with the actions of Russia in the Kerch Strait, the EU added to the list of individual sanctions eight Russians who were involved in the use of force in the Kerch Strait.

“We have also identified possible areas for further EU support for the Ukrainian regions severely affected by the Russian inspection regime in the Azov Sea. We stand on the side of international law. We stand on the side of the basic principle that borders must not be changed by force. And most importantly, we stand on the side of the people of Ukraine,” he said.