You're reading: EU, Ukraine, Russia to hold gas talks on July 17

Vice President of the European Commission for Energy Union Maros Sevcovic has said he is glad that trilateral negotiations with Ukrainian and Russian partners will be held on July 17.

“Constructive and stable co-operation between Russia and Ukraine in the field of energy is of utmost importance for both countries and the European Union. The need for a continued, long-term transit of Russian gas through Ukraine to the EU in a reliable, commercially viable way is an indispensable part of it,” Sevcovic’s statement, posted on the website of the European Commission on July 5, reads.

Sefcovic noted that Ukrainian and Russian partners would be represented at the talks both from relevant governments and from commercial organizations.

“Our aim is to agree on our long-term agenda as well as our working method,” Sevcovic said.

He stressed the importance of the time factor for these negotiations.

“The negotiations that lie ahead of us are complex and difficult and therefore, require full attention and constructive engagement. As proven in the past, a trilateral process is the most effective platform to seek a satisfactory solution to the gas matters important for involved parties and to gas transit via Ukraine beyond 2019,” he said.