You're reading: Face masks not required outside if social distancing is possible, government clarifies

Ukrainians in so-called “red zones” only have to wear face masks outdoors where social distancing is impossible, like on crowded bus stops, the government explained on March 23.

If a person can socially distance while walking on the streets or in parks, they don’t have to mask up, after all. Individuals are required to stay at least 1.5 meters away from each other to prevent the spread of the virus.

The Health Ministry’s comments came a day after the Cabinet of Ministers ruled that everyone in “red zones”, where COVID-19 is hitting the hardest, must wear face masks outdoors. Ten regions plus the capital now have red quarantine levels.

A fine of Hr 170 can be issued on the spot to those who refuse to wear a face mask.

But the police will only fine “hardcore violators,” the Interior Ministry said in a comment for Ukrainska Pravda news outlet.

“The work of law enforcement will have, above all, a preventive and explanatory mission,” the Ministry said. “Of course, the priority will be to tell people why they have to adhere to the mask regime – because it is extremely important for their safety and the safety of the health and life of others.”

Ukraine has had a tough time battling COVID-19 recently as it entered the third wave of the epidemic.

Over 360 people died on March 24, which is the highest number of daily deaths since the pandemic started. A record-high number of new infections – 16,669 – was also reported on that day.

Last week, Kyiv introduced a three-week lockdown through April 9.

As usual, only grocery stores, pharmacies, and pet stores can remain open. Eateries can do take-out and delivery.

Public transport must run at 50% capacity, but transport companies are urging the local government to shut it down completely because not running at full capacity creates huge financial losses.

Vaccination remains slow in Ukraine, as only a little over 0,0003% of the total population has received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine – a total of 155,587 people. Only one person received the second doze and is not fully vaccinated.

If over half of Ukraine’s regions qualify as “red zones”, the government will consider a total country-wide lockdown, Health Minister Stepanov said on Mar. 15.