You're reading: Finnish foreign minister visits eastern Ukraine

A delegation of Finland headed by Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto has visited disengagement section No. 1 in Stanytsia Luhanska, Ukrainian military has reported.

“The visit was aimed at showing support to Ukraine, obtaining relevant information on the development of the security situation and the actions of the Russian occupation forces,” the headquarters of the Joint Forces Operations (JFO) said.

According to the report, Haavisto positively noted the work of the Ukrainian side at the entry-exit checkpoint Stanytsia Luhanska, the repair and reconstruction of the destroyed bridge and the introduction of free public transport for civilians with limited mobility.

From the Ukrainian side the delegation was led by Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Yehor Bozhok.

Haavisto visited Ukraine Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, in particular, the contact line in Donbas.

The head of Finnish diplomacy met with his colleague Vadym Prystaiko, experts advising Ukraine on reform issues, as well as representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (SMM).

The Finnish foreign minister said that Helsinki is preparing an additional package of assistance in mine clearance issues in Donbas.

“Eastern Ukraine is one of the most heavily landmine contaminated conflict zones in the world. We are preparing an additional package of 600,000 euros for mine clearance,” the press service said, citing the minister.