You're reading: Flowers, memorial plaques dedicated May 2, 2014 tragic events set to fire in Odesa last night

Unidentified hooligans have damaged flowers and memorial plaques, which are placed near the House of Trade Unions in Odesa in commemoration of the victims of the May 2, 2014 events; the police are conducting an inquiry into the incident, the Prymorsky police station in the city of Odesa said.

“Unidentified vandals set the flowers and memorial plaques in memory of the victims of the May 2, 2014 events on fire near the House of Trade Unions last night. Police officers are taking efforts to establish circumstances of the incident and identify wrongdoers,” the National Police in Odesa region said on its website on Wednesday.

The issue of adding the information about this incident to the common register of pretrial investigations on the charge of hooliganism of the Ukrainian Criminal Code is being resolved.

Forty-eight people were killed and over 200 injured in mass riots in Odesa on May 2, 2014. The majority of victims of the tragic events have been inside the House of Trade Unions, which was set ablaze. Investigators found out that Odesa mass riots were prearranged and deliberately plotted.