You're reading: G7 calls on Russia to withdraw its troops from Ukraine

Editor’s Note: The following excerpt was part of the final 25-page communique among G7 nations meeting in the United Kingdom on June 12-13. It can be read in its entirety here.

“52. We reiterate our support for the independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. We call on Russia to alleviate tensions and act in accordance with its international obligations, and to withdraw the Russian military troops and materiel at the eastern border of Ukraine and on the Crimean peninsula. We remain firmly of the view that Russia is a party to the conflict in Eastern Ukraine, not a mediator. We affirm our support for the Normandy Process to secure the implementation of the Minsk agreements and call on Russia and the armed formations it backs to engage constructively and recommit to the ceasefire. We reaffirm our efforts to strengthen Ukraine’s democracy and institutions, encouraging further progress on reform.”