You're reading: Groysman: Ukraine borrows $46 billion from 2007 to 2014

Ukrainian Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman has noted Ukraine has difficulties with servicing its foreign debt, recalling that from 2007 to 2014 the state borrowed $46 billion.

“At present, we have serious problems in terms of servicing foreign debts, we did not take them, but we must service them and we must return them,” Groysman said during an hour of questions to the government at the Verkhovna Rada.

According to the prime minister, the country’s current debt burden stands at $60 billion. “Some 46 billion were borrowed from overseas in the period I mentioned. But neither Ukraine, nor Ukrainians have felt it,” he added.

The head of government informed that in March Ukraine paid $1.4 billion of foreign debt.