You're reading: Health ministry approves changes for introduction of e-prescription

The Health Ministry of Ukraine has approved amendments to the rules of writing prescriptions for medicines and medical products that would allow introducing e-prescriptions.

Ministry order No. 735 dated April 18, 2018, amending rules No. 360 dated July 19, 2005, was posted on the website of the Verkhovna Rada.

“F-1 prescriptions (apart from cases of prescribing narcotic (psychoactive) medicines on the F-3 form) could be also written in the electronic form as e-prescription. The e-prescription is created, stored and transferred via the information (information-telecommunication) system,” the ministry said.

In addition, the approved changes authorize doctors who practice as individual entrepreneurs to write prescriptions.

The order also introduces a new prescription form, which should contain information on a healthcare institution or an individual entrepreneur: its name, address, the identification code from the unified public register, requisites for a medical practice license or decisions of the licensing authority on issuing this license.

At the same time, the Health Ministry said that while the e-prescription will be gradually introduced, its new form will be filled in paper. At the same time, healthcare institutions will be able to use the old paper form F-1 with the red seal “the cost is refundable” until these prescription forms are fully used.

In the new form the “the cost to be refunded” field is replaced by the “the source of funding” field, which indicates the name of a government or municipal program for preferential release of drugs.