You're reading: Health Ministry intends to allow work of institutions during quarantine subject to vaccination

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine intends to allow some institutions to work during strict quarantine under the condition of vaccination of more than 80% of the staff, as well as shopping malls to work on a special system, the Union of Ukrainian Entrepreneurs said on Facebook following a meeting with Health Minister Viktor Liashko.

According to the report, in particular, it is planned:

– to allow the work of enterprises/organizations, if about 80% of the team is vaccinated;

– admit vaccinated clients and consumers to institutions;

– to allow the work of educational institutions subject to vaccination of 80% of employees;

Also, following the example of Germany, it is planned to implement a separate software product for shopping and entertainment centers, which will track the load of the mall, make an appointment to visit at a specific time and allow visitors who have done PCR test, rapid test or vaccinated.

The Minister also said that if the epidemic worsens, no key changes to the quarantine decree are planned, adaptive quarantine will apply.