You're reading: Health Ministry proposes Cabinet to move Ukraine into ‘yellow’ epidemic zone

The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has submitted to the Cabinet of Ministers a proposal on the transition of Ukraine to the “yellow” level of epidemiological danger from Sept. 13, said Minister of Health of Ukraine Viktor Liashko.

“Several government meetings and conferences took place today, which clearly show that Ukraine has exceeded the indicators that can move the country from the ‘green’ level to the ‘yellow’ one. We, from the Ministry of Health, submitted a corresponding submission to the Cabinet of Ministers,” he said on the air of the Ukraina 24 TV channel on Sept. 7.

Liashko said that a meeting of the Commission on Environmental Safety, Manmade Disaster and Emergency Response will take place this week, which will consider this submission.

“Most likely, from next Monday, Ukraine will go to the ‘yellow’ level of epidemic danger and additional restrictions will be established, which are provided for the ‘yellow’ level and which relate to mass events,” he said.

Liashko recalled that adaptive quarantine operates in Ukraine, and vaccination is the only means of protection against the epidemic.