You're reading: Here’s how much Ukraine top officials made in 2016

President Petro Poroshenko declared income of more than Hr 12 million ($440,000) in 2016, according to his new electronic declaration.

The deadline for 2016 e-declarations of income and assets for public officials was April 1.

Poroshenko’s salary as president was just Hr 366,342, while almost all of his income – Hr 11.9 million – came in as interest from a money deposit saved in his own International Investment Bank. He also received Hr 26,000 from the sale of securities.

Poroshenko also declared $60,000 and Hr 180,000 in cash, as well as Hr 80,780, $26.9 million and 9,885 euros on bank accounts.

Like in his 2015 declaration, the president again failed to declare his luxurious villa in Spain and included only the firm that formally owns it. Parliament’s anti-corruption committee has previously stated that Poroshenko was required to declare the villa since it is in his personal use.

The income of the president’s top ally and business partner, lawmaker Ihor Kononenko included Hr 160,867 in wages and Hr 14.5 million in dividends.

Kononenko declared Hr 2.1 million on bank accounts, as well as Hr 397,254, $928,000 and 965,000 euros in cash.

Prime Minister Volodymyr Groysman declared Hr 15.5 million in income in 2016, including Hr 281,000 in wages, interest worth Hr 154,000 and Hr 11.1 million from the sale of a car and a land plot.

His declaration also includes Hr 380,000 and $40,000 in cash, as well as Hr 18 million, 477,227 euros and $802,807 on bank accounts.

Former Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s income in 2016 amounted to Hr 2.2 million, including Hr 117,598 in wages, Hr 1.5 million in interest and Hr 600,000 in rent from real estate.

Yatsenyuk also has $1 million and Hr 2.4 million on bank accounts, as well as $475,000 and Hr 300,000 in cash.

Yatsenyuk also declared a house with an area of 343.5 square meters in Kyiv Oblast, three apartments, and other buildings.