You're reading: ICU Bond Market Insight: May 25, 2022 – Borrowing intensifies

The Ministry of Finance raised another Hr 12.6bn ($428m) in various currencies on May 24.

Overall, the Ministry of Finance has been able to borrow over Hr 32bn ($1.1bn) in just a month through military bonds.

Demand was concentrated in six-month bills, which brought in Hr 8.7bn ($296m) worth of proceeds to the state budget.

Two-month bills provided just Hr 0.5bn ($18m). Yesterday, demand for 1.5-year securities fell, raising only Hr 90m ($3m).

There was good demand for FX-denominated bills—almost $55m and EUR 52m—so the budget received the equivalent of Hr 3.2bn in hard currency. In overall terms, this was the second-best result of recent auctions, as at the end of April, Hr 0.4bn ($14m) more was raised.

In May, buyers of military bonds have become more active, and the total amount for the month is currently higher than it was in March and April. So, with the auction on May 31, May will set the record for the amount of military bonds placed.


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