In Ukraine, almost 12% of citizens are fully vaccinated against the coronavirus disease COVID-19, MP from the Holos faction Inna Sovsun said.
“Vaccination has failed – just 12% of Ukrainians are fully vaccinated,” Sovsun was quoted as saying by the Holos party’s press service.
At the same time, the MP drew attention to the fact that the Servant of the People faction registered a bill in the Verkhovna Rada (No. 6052), which proposes to distribute, in particular, Hr 28 billion in additional customs revenues, of which Hr 15 billion will be spent on repair of highways of the national importance.
“Do you know how much money the government has allocated for oxygen stations for the whole summer? In the regions they say – nothing. It is offered to allocate additional Hr 87 million for the Ministry of Health. And I suspect that this is not for oxygen stations, otherwise it would be written in an explanatory note. I have no words to comment on it,” the MP said.
She also said that the state is not going to allocate money to help entrepreneurs with the new lockdown, to equip schools with computers for distance learning – as well.
“At the same time, subventions for the districts are provided at amount of Hr 4 billion, which is actually financing the loyalty of the majoritarians. Obviously, hospitals will have to breathe asphalt,” the Holos MP said.