You're reading: Interior Ministry: Situation in Novi Sanzhary is calm

Deputy Interior Minister of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko has said that the situation in Novi Sanzhary, Poltava region, is under full control of law enforcers.

“The situation in Novi Sanzhary is calm. Some 320 National Guard officers, 70 policemen and 16 employees of the State Emergency Service guard public order there. The situation is under full control of the law enforcers,” he told a press briefing in Kyiv on Feb. 21.

Gerashchenko said that 24 most aggressive protesters were detained on Feb. 20 and all of them have been identified. Twenty-three of them were released for the time of pre-trial investigations and one person was detained under Article 208 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

According to the deputy minister, five criminal cases were launched under Articles 293 (group violation of public order), 294 (riots), 161 (violation of citizens’ equality based on their race, nationality or religious preferences), 279 (blocking of transportation routes, and capturing of a transport enterprise) and 345 (threats or violence against a law enforcement officer) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.