You're reading: JFO chief sends New Year greetings to Ukrainian servicemen

Joint Forces Operation (JFO) chief Serhiy Nayev has congratulated Ukrainian military personnel with the upcoming New Year holidays and said he believes time will come when Donbas will be liberated, the press service of the JFO has said.

“Unfortunately, we celebrate this holiday under the conditions when the Ukrainian people defend the territorial integrity of their state with arms in their hands. In the fight against an insidious, unprincipled enemy, the personnel of military units and formations of the Joint Forces Operation have demonstrated high morale, professional skills and great readiness for sacrificing themselves for the sake of establishing peace and tranquility in Donbas,” Nayev said.

The JFO chief also said JFO military personnel have been involved in the restoration of vital facilities in Donbas.

“I’m sure the time will come when the whole of Donbas will be liberated. And we will be able to restore all the bridges, roads, schools, hospitals, and other facilities. The New Year’s holiday always brings new hopes. Let all troubles and hardships remain in the outgoing year, and our dearest dreams come true in the New Year. And most importantly, let our common cherished dream come true—let peace be established in our native land upon the defeat of the enemy,” Nayev said.