You're reading: Kolomoisky claims Portnov has no connection to Zelenskiy team

Ukrainian businessman Ihor Kolomoisky argues that ex-deputy head of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych, Andriy Portnov, has no relation to the team of President-elect of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskiy.

In an interview with the Bihus.Info journalistic investigations program, published on May 2, when asked by journalists whether Portnov has anything to do with Zelenskiy’s team, businessman Kolomoisky replied: “No, no connection …”

At the same time, the businessman noted that he himself had been on good terms with Portnov for 20 years, and added that he had the last meeting with the ex-deputy of presidential administration one day before the recording of the interview.

According to Kolomoisky, Portnov was in Israel those days.

In addition, the businessman denies that Portnov helps him in resolving issues related to PrivatBank.