You're reading: Kyiv Post publisher Adnan Kivan congratulates journalists on their professional day

Editor’s Note: The following is a statement issued by Kyiv Post publisher Adnan Kivan on June 6, when Journalists’ Day is celebrated in Ukraine.

“Congratulations to all journalists on their day! It`s a very important day! And it`s a very important profession! You are doing an amazing job! You are in the middle of all important events in this country. Your articles, photos and videos tell people everything about what’s happening in the world. You take the lead. Every day you risk your lives. Today our thoughts are also with those journalists who are fighting for truth and justice in Syria. Without your hard work, it’s impossible for democracy and prosperity to exist. I wish all of you 100 percent independence and freedom of speech. With God’s blessing and best wishes, Kivan Adnan.”