You're reading: Kyiv’s city administration and road authority searched 

National security services searched the Kyiv City State Administration and Kyivavtodor, the city’s road repair and maintenance authority, on July 8. 

The State Security Service (SBU) and the State Bureau of Investigation are investigating Kyivavtodor’s procurement of equipment. The SBU stated that one of Kyivavtodor’s purchases was made at a significantly inflated price, causing a Hr 20 million loss to the city budget. A different inflated purchase allegedly allowed city officials to appropriate more than Hr 110 million.

No arrests have been made.

The city’s Department of Transport Infrastructure said that all purchases abided by procurement rules and called for an impartial investigation.

“The political pressure on the city authorities continues” the City State Administration stated on its website.

The searches were authorized by the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv. 

National authorities have recently launched a large-scale investigation of the Kyiv City State Administration. Earlier, the State Fiscal Service carried out searches in the administration’s other departments and opened nine investigations against officials.

According to preliminary data, misappropriation of funds by Kyiv’s municipal enterprises cost the city budget about Hr 158.6 million. 

Authorities investigating the latest case said they don’t have claims against Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko.