You're reading: Macron’s re-election ‘great news’ for Europe: Italy PM

Italy’s Prime Minister Mario Draghi congratulated French President Emmanuel Macron on his re-election Sunday, after projections showed him winning a second term in office.

“The victory of Emmanuel Macron in the French presidential election is great news for all of Europe,” he said in a statement.

France and Italy will work with partners to build “a stronger, fairer Europe capable of acting independently to overcome the great challenges of our times, starting with the war in Ukraine”, Draghi added.

“We are ready to work together immediately with ambition and determination to serve our countries and all European citizens.”

Centrist Macron was set to win 57.0-58.5 percent of the vote and far-right challenger Marine Le Pen 41.5-43.0 percent, according to projections by polling firms for French television channels based on a sample of the vote count.