You're reading: Merkel to visit Russia prior to meeting Zelensky

German Chancellor Angela Merkel will visit Russia for talks with President Vladimir Putin on Aug. 20, German spokesman Steffen Seibert reported on Aug. 13 at a press conference in Berlin.

According to him, Merkel will visit Moscow two days before the previously arranged meeting with president Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv.

The Russian government confirmed the meeting and noted that the leaders will discuss the development of bilateral cooperation and a number of international and regional issues.

Meanwhile, according to Ukrainian press secretary Serhii Nikiforov, Zelensky will raise the issue of “security, bilateral relations and other relevant issues” with Merkel.

Obviously, one of the main topics of the talks with both presidents will be the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, the construction of which is almost completed, publication Evropeiska Pravda reports.

Earlier, on July 12, Zelensky visited Merkel in Berlin to discuss the Nord Stream 2 within the framework of the Normandy format. Then chancellor assured that Germany would do everything to maintain gas transit through Ukraine even after the completion of Nord Stream 2.

On Aug. 23 Ukraine will hold the inaugural Crimean Platform summit, the day after Merkel’s visit, hosting at least 42 partners, according to Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba.

Ukraine invited Merkel, but it’s uncertain if her schedule will allow her to attend.

The Crimea Platform is a new coordination format initiated by Ukraine to step up the efficiency of international response to the occupation of the Crimean Peninsula.

It raises the issue of growing security challenges, increasing international pressure on Russia, preventing further human rights violations and protecting victims of the occupation regime.

The final goal of the summit is to de-occupy Crimean Peninsula and restore Ukraine’s sovereignty in the region.