You're reading: Ministry of Digital Transformation Launches Truth Fund To Counter Russian Lies

The Truth Fund has been launched by the Ministry of Digital Transformation, Kyiv School of Economics and some of the largest Ukrainian IT companies.

Its aim is to fight disinformation about the war in Ukraine by combating fake news and misinformation about Russia’s ongoing war in Ukraine and spreading the truth about the war crimes currently being committed by Russia on Ukrainian territory. 

Kyiv Post is cited as one of a few trusted sources which contains verified news about the war in Ukraine ( and

Kyiv Post is one of the news sources that says contains verified news. will disseminate accurate information about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. People across the world have the right to access truthful facts about events in Ukraine without fabrication and fake news. It is a non-profit organization that will work around the clock against the dissemination of anti-Ukrainian disinformation and fake news spread by pro-Russian media outlets. We want to help people sort fact from fiction and improve the information environment in the long-term perspective. The focus of current work is on producing content, promotional work on social media platforms, specific targeting campaigns and PR support. There is also a fund-raising campaign, and people can donate via the site.

The press release on the launch of the Truth Fund is also available.