You're reading: Moscow Court: Denisova can request meeting with Sushchenko only after sentence takes force

Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada Human Rights Commissioner Liudmyla Denisova may ask the Moscow City Court to give her permission to meet journalist Roman Sushchenko, whom a Russian court has found guilty of espionage, only after his sentence takes force, court spokesperson Ulyana Solopova told Interfax.

“Based on the provisions of the Consular Convention signed by Russia and Ukraine in 1993, which is mentioned in Denisova’s request, only consular officers can be allowed to visit, and the Verkhovna Rada commissioner is not such a person,” Solopova told Interfax on June 26.

“Such permission may be granted to Denisova on general grounds, under the Code of Criminal Procedural, after Sushchenko’s sentence becomes enforceable,” she said.

The sentence has been appealed by Sushchenko himself and his defense attorney and thus has not yet become enforceable, Solopova said.